
Mesothelioma examination--Pleural cytogenetic examination

Pleural cytogenetic examination

Cytogenetic be able to check in cloning identify the level of malignant cells and (or) structural abnormalities, and found that there is consistency of mesothelioma cell chromosome abnormalities 〔〕 14, most of which specific chromosome region loss, the most common Loss of chromosome areas for the short arm of chromosome 1,3,9 and the long arm of chromosome 22. 9 chromosome centromere loss of the most common, the incidence rate of 73% ± 3%, lost for just part of the site where the gene mTS1. MTS1 speculated that the missing gene and the occurrence of the relevant dMM. 15 〔〕 granados, and other 10 suspected cases of patients with pleural effusion dMM the inspection cytogenetics and found that in all cases there are one or more of the lost part of the chromosome region. And 6 cases of atypical hyperplasia were not found in mesothelial clonal chromosomal abnormalities. And observe a variety of chromosomal markers and (or) cloning of numerical changes can improve the cell's genetic diagnosis accuracy. Other types of tumor cells, including non-small cell lung cancer can also occur dMM characteristics of the regional loss of chromosomes. DMM but not adenocarcinoma of the nuclear-type nuclear complex and lung cancer more than 10 clonal abnormalities, and in each of the cloned cells contain a number of changes. The malignant mesothelioma cloning is not to change more than 10 kinds, and very little variation between cells. Therefore, the inspection cytogenetics dMM cytology can be used as a useful method of diagnosis, to identify the reactive mesothelial cells and malignant mesothelioma cells, an important value
