

People exposed to asbestos either directly in an occupational setting or indirectly through second-hand exposure can be at risk for inhaling harmful cancer causing fibers. A person diagnosed with Asbestosis has most likely breathed in loose asbestos particles from the air resulting in scar tissue formation inside the lungs. An Abestosis diagnosis generally requires a physical exam from a doctor coupled with the use of diagnostic tests like x-rays and breathing tests. It is important to remember that arriving at a clear diagnosis is not always easy because there are different levels of asbestosis with varying degrees of severity. A mild version of asbestosis may have little to no impact on quality of life while more advanced stages can have a very negative impact on quality of life and result in death.
In addition, some health professionals who are not fully trained in asbestos cancers will use the word asbestosis interchangeably with other asbestos related illnesses including interstitial fibrosis, parenchymal fibrosis, asbestosis, pneumoconiosis.
Don't Let Time Get in the Way!
Don't let time prevent you from taking legal action. Every state establishes set timeframes for filing lawsuits for an asbestos related injury. These timeframes are also known as the state statutes of limitation. The deadlines established in the statutes are fixed so it is important to consult with a legal professional soon after the onset of an asbestos related illness to determine what, if any action may be appropriate.

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匿名 说...

Asbestosis is a chronic inflammatory medical condition affecting the lungs. It is a respiratory disease.
There is no cure available now. Stopping further exposure to asbestos is essential. Read here to know more http://alternativemedicines.tv/doctor_story.php?storyid=107&id=5215