
Asbestos Diseases

The most severe form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos is called malignant mesothelioma. People who have worked in industries where asbestos containing products were used are often diagnosed with this fatal form of cancer. Mesothelioma is not easily detectable and is usually difficult to diagnose. Early symptoms are frequently dismissed by patients as common ailments until they increase in severity. At that point the disease has usually progressed to a stage where a cure is not possible.
Asbestos Related Lung Cancer
Lung cancer occurs when malignant cells originate in the lung. It is the most common asbestos-related cancer found in present or ex-smokers who have a history of asbestos exposure.
Asbestosis is the scarring of the tissue of the lung itself from inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers. Many doctors who do not have a good understanding of asbestos-related diseases tend to use the term "asbestosis" as a buzzword for any and all conditions related to asbestos.
Medical History of Asbestos Diseases
Here we have compiled a summary of the History of Asbestos Disease as reported in the world medical literature. This list of events reflects findings of a medical nature. A similar timeline of significant dates in the legal pursuit of asbestos-related compensation is available in the Asbestos Industry section of our site.
