
Using Acne Treatments

When you have acne, you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. There are hundreds of options you can choose from, and many will promise ?immediate? or ?overnight? results. Though this may grab your attention, don?t be too fooled by their promises of fast results. Acne does not clear overnight. It takes roughly 6 to 8 weeks on average before results can be noticed. If it has been two months and you have yet to see results, it may be time to switch products ? not every acne treatment treats every case of acne.
Before consulting a dermatologist, try using some over-the-counter products. It is important to wash affected areas twice a day with a mild and unperfumed cleanser. A common ingredient in non-prescription cleansers is benzoyl peroxide. This helps your skin to shed it?s out layer (dead skin) as well as works as an antibacterial. As with over washing with soap, over usage of benzoyl peroxide will wash away the necessary amount of oil your skin requires to keep its natural condition. This can lead to redness and peeling.
Your dermatologist may prescribe a variety of acne treatments. Your age, skin type and severity of acne are only a few of the factors that go into determining what type of treatment you doctor may prescribe for you. Most topical treatments will work in a similar fashion as non-prescription solutions (employing the use of benzoyl peroxide), but more effective and without as much risk of inflaming the condition (if used as directed).
Oral pills or tablets such as tetracycline may also be prescribed. These types of prescriptions help by means such as drying up oily secretions. But these oral remedies cannot prevent pores from being blocked, so they are usually prescribed in conjunction with a topical treatment as well. If taken daily, expect to see results in 3 ? 6 months.
As you can see, even with prescriptions, it takes time for acne treatments to take effect. In some cases, even certain prescriptions may not clear up your acne. The important this is to set realistic time expectations, and have open lines of communication with your doctor about what is or isn?t working, and any side-effects you may be suffering from.
Greg Mauro is a staff author at Acne Solution News as well as Help For Health and its conglomerate sites.
