Fasting is the greatest remedy--the physician within!--Philippus Paracelsus
Fasting is a great way to detox your body quickly. Fasting is when you do not eat any type of solid food for any number of days. Liquids like water, fruit and vegetable juices and herbal teas are excellent and recommended to have during fasting and they can help speed up the cleasing and detoxifying process.
When you eat, a lot of the bodies energy and resources are used up for digestion. Most people eat throughout the day leaving little if any rest for your digestive system. A lot of the bodies enzymes are required to digest the foods that we eat, especially if the food is mostly processed and void of any nutritional value.
When you give your digestive system a well needed rest, enzymes that would normally be used for digestion can then be used for other purposes in the body such as the breaking down and proper elimination of waste material.
Considering that toxic matter in the body being excreted through the skin is one of the main causes of acne, a regular fasting detox could prove extremely beneficial. Research has suggested that there is between 5-to-10 lbs. of toxic chemicals locked into the average adults body.
Fasting with fruit and vegetable juices is considered the safest way to fast as it provides the body with it's dietary nutritional requirements and are also of great benefit for people suffering from acne.
One of the best juices to take several times a day on a fast is carrot juice. Carrot juice is an excellent blood cleanser and helps to clear and beautify the skin. It reverses the condition of acidosis which is an excess of acid in the body tissues and is one type of toxicity.
Another good juice that can be mixed with carrot juice is spinach. Spinach juice is one of the best for cleaning out the intestinal tract of toxic waste. Spinach juice taken on it's own has a rather strong flavour which is why it is usually mixed with other vegetables such as carrots.
Together, carrot and spinach juice help to cleanse out the entire system and also help the livers ability to rid the body of toxins.
It has been stated that you may take as much vegetable juice as you wish. It is considered a food but without needing the arduous task of digestion. As a general guideline, 2-4 glasses a day would be a safe and effective way to fast.
It is a good idea to seek a doctors approval before fasting as it shouldn't be attempted by certain people, especially pregnant or nursing woman and people on certain medications or medical complications.